Editor: Douglas Drenkow

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LIBERTY: Rights & Tolerance | April 2, 2005


An Unpublished Letter to Los Angeles Times

If hypocrisy is the greatest of all sins, as Jesus Christ condemned, then integrity is the greatest of all virtues. And whether or not you agreed with Pope John Paul II on any particular issue, you always knew that he said exactly what he believed and stood up for every belief that he held. By setting such an inspirational example -- in stark contrast to the corruption running rampant among all too many of the world's leaders, in practically every walk of life -- The Holy Father was beloved by millions of Catholics, particularly the idealistic young, and respected by billions of other people, of countless other faiths, to which he reached out more than any other Pope in human history.

God bless the soul of Pope John Paul II. May his message of peace and love be carried forward through all our lives.

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