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LIBERTY: Rights & Tolerance | January 17, 2005


A Posting in "Comments From Left Field"

By "The Scarecrow" *

My fellow Friends of Liberty,

Today you celebrate the all-too-short life of a man and also the eternal spirit of humankind.

At thirty-five years of age, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was the youngest person ever to win the Nobel Prize of Peace -- by virtue of his courageous, eloquent calls for non-violence to overcome racism, war, and poverty.

But verily, his message -- to all people -- was even more fundamental: Have faith in God, country, and humanity.

The man was slain. The dream lives on.

Your obedient,

The Scarecrow

* My alter-ego, after the classic 18th Century character created in the early 20th Century by Russell Thorndike in his Doctor Syn novels, adapted in various films. No endorsement of my commentaries by any other individual or company exists or is implied.

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