Editor: Douglas Drenkow

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COMMUNICATION: Media, Arts, & Society | September 3, 1987



An Unpublished Letter to

Calendar Letters, in Los Angeles Times

The controversy surrounding the children's TV consulting firm Q5, which "offers information about the stage of development of an audience to help writers develop concepts, characters, and dialogue that will be appealing to the target", goes right to the heart of the old argument about the role of art in society.

Q5, like any other statistical survey, has value in showing us where we've been and where we are; but unbridled creativity also has value, in showing us where we might go.

Conservative values -- such as Q5 -- are safe but "blandizing", and more progressive values -- such as unbridled creativity -- are rewarding but risky.

Art is a mirror, sometimes of the fun-house variety. How do we look? How can we improve?

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