Editor: Douglas Drenkow

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WELLBEING: Healthcare | October 25, 2003


An E-Mail to a Family Member,

The Parent of Two Physicians

I couldn't be prouder of your son and daughter the physicians...our cousin...the nurse, and all my other family and friends who are such genuinely talented and caring guardians of our health (Where would we be without them?!); but apparently not everyone in the "system" is so competent (Bless 'em for tryin') and/or concerned (Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do).

As the Dean of the School of Medicine so adamantly expounded to us all at...[your daughter's] graduation, the question has become not "if" but "how" the "system" will be reformed. There is no denying that our healthcare system is in "critical condition" and getting nothing but worse. Even half the Republicans, according to the latest best survey I've seen, would give back their Bush tax cuts (!) to create a universal system of healthcare. Amen (as long as, amongst other things, we retain the freedom to choose which physicians we see -- as I say, and as you and yours know all too well, there is a BIG difference amongst individuals, physicians and patients)...

I sincerely believe that the Clintons, although well meaning, failed to reform our nation's healthcare system primarily because they approached it as a business: As a business, it is an extremely profitable success; as an actual healthcare-delivery system, however, it all too often sucks.

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